In February 2011, while I was still dedicated to conduct workshops between Spain and Argentina, there was a call to leave everything and organize a Gathering which I did not have much idea of what would be its purpose.

The internal message was: the day 11 of the 11th month of the year 2011, many people are waiting for the Opening of a Portal. Many do not even know what it was, but the code of 11:11:11 had reached their lives many years ago and those numbers were pursuing them without knowing why.

That code was a call for a special day, the day when the frequencies of the 11, ie, the Infinite and the Grid, would be connected with the Finite in the Matter, on Earth, and so, all those people should be called to activate this Portal.

From there emerged the performing of the 11:11 Meeting in Capilla del Monte, Argentina.

From a meeting scheduled for 400 people, we ended up being 6000, something that completely overwhelmed us, but that was a gift to our growth process and for the Net opening.

This Great Encounter proved to be produced by the Universal Net and not by marketing or advertising for an event. With no experience and knowledge, from the kitchen of my house, we coordinate an international meeting that brought together people from over 24 countries, from all provinces of Argentina, who made headlines in all TV channels in the country, and that, thinking about putting a projector, ended up with a huge LED screen for everyone to see.

The changes that the town lived during the Meeting were surprising, where the same people, at first distant and reluctant, ended happy and grateful because, as we were told, the prize of the well done task would be the rain, something unexpected after months or more than a year of drought and, on that day, the rain filled the town, and Capilla del Monte was dyed green again.

At the end of this meeting I met Roy Littlesun, a representative of the Hopi message (Native Americans) to coordinate a double meeting that should be performed in Iberia soon.

Since some time ago I knew that the bridge between Spain and Argentina, between Iberia and South America, should become something physical and known. That is why, following this meeting, we set the intention to perform two gatherings in the Spanish cities of Barcelona and Madrid.

The UNIDOS (United) Gatherings were held to unify the energies of these two cities faced throughout history, and the impact energy between them with respect to the Andean people. Barcelona had the power to Impulse and Transmute, to Integrate, while Madrid had the power to Expand, to Generate and Drive the Heartbeat. For this reason we carried out two meetings attended by around 2000 people each.

We create that Great Bridge and put the intend on its Impulse energy to help to continue with the next step born from Capilla del Monte after the opening of that portal.

We were told: "The portal is open, now you must move this energy through the world."

So, a few weeks after that 2011 meeting, born the word "HARWITUM".

Harwitum was an ancient worldwide tour that had been already done before to connect the major planetary points to sustain the Net that allows the human evolution.

In our case, we will carry that energy, that we all awakened on the 11:11 day, across the planet, anchoring it in each planetary magnetic point or node, places were humankind had settled down and where the Net that shapes us and impulses us to constant evolution, is permanently nourished.
Therefore, 4 people got ready to leave home, to explore different parts of Africa, Oceania, Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Antarctica, to anchor this pattern and refeed the consciousness that we were moving together in resonance and in tune, to the planetary nodes.

If we moved the world's energy, this would respond. Our goal was to prepare the energetic ground to connect the consciousness and so the projects that fertilize a new humanity can be expanded by the world, in order to set down the changes in the social, economic, educational and political levels, and jump into another perspective of human evolution.

Harwitum would be done throughout the year 2012 as part of a first stage, the first steps of future projects.

The last Harwitum stage will be done in the months of October, November and December, in which some people will travel by land across what we call The Great Woman. She has been hailed in the history of mankind and many cultures have searched her for the fertility of their land.

The Great Woman is called the Mother of the New Humanity; she Gestates the Conciousness, and comprises the southern hemispheree ountries of South America.

The tour will be done by the activation of the chakras(the spirit and organs of that Being), around the Andes, by walking and doing meetings in different cities along 11,000 kilometers that will comprise the countries of Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina.

The last point of the Great Woman to touch will be her belly, where the Gestation energy will be given, and where we will all put our strength and will to co-create the Planetary Birthing reality.

This Third and last Great Encounter regarding the process 2011-2012 will be done in the city of Tandil, Argentina, on Wednesday 12-12-12.

On 11:11 , the goal was to open the doors to a new Frequency, the task of the Unidos Meetings was to connect the separate parts of Creation bridge between the Heart and the Vision of Humanity and the purpose of Harwitum is to connect the nodes through which that frequency flows, reconnecting the planetary consciousness records to prepare the lands of the New Energy in South America, where is located the Great Woman, the Gestator of the New Humanity, and for that matter, is chosen the Tandil area to complete this work together, as this is where we all Toghether will Produce that Planetary Birthing.

We are waiting for you to be part of that final 2012 Activation, preparing the way for the New Cycle towards a New Dimension!

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