Saturday, 29 September 2012

Episode I: The First Step


And so begins the Way ...

When I was 14, my guides showed me the maps of the world, something that attracted me to paint their geography again and again. While I was painting, they talked about their forms and purposes. From the age of 15 I started to draw plans and maps of geographical projects, to understand the meaning of the lands, of the countries, of the provinces, all this led me to find and receive the shapes and purposes of my country, Argentina, in first, and then of its neighbors.

The Harwitum Path was developed because of those memories, together with the information about the geography, but within this journey there was always a  strong frequency attracting all that information, to shape it and dress it in our Andean and neighboring lands.

Later I would understand that the world's energy was heading toward these mountains.

When we were planning the Harwitum journey, we knew that this Andean route would be made one way or another. For this reason, making the necessary effort to get to this point, things turned favorable for the Great Woman's internal road within Harwitum that is already on going, thanks to all who contributed.

The energy from all the continents

When we were doing our recognition of the planetary energy, ie, the tour of the seven Canary Islands in just seven days, making our way through the highest part of the island of Gran Canaria(the Voice representing North America), a Being gave a statement, and part of this message was for our Canarian friends: You have started down this path, and you will finish it.

 Although I personally do not remember this message, the Way brought, without effort or thought, Nidia and Jose, the two friends who started the Canarian route through the seven islands (the 7 Continents in small) who today recross this Road going through the 7 chakras, bringing back the energy of the 7 Continents from the 7 Islands.

The road must be traveled by all, and in this one in which I have to go ahead, we will be the three who will start, at least for now, leading these meetings, carrying that world's frequency in our bodies.

How do we go out to walk?

We have gone through various ways of transportation since the original plan.

To turn around the Andes by land seemed to be more complicated than going around the world.

The first option was a trailer, which would save on accommodation and time, as we could travel constantly ... but the problem was the cost: U$S 22,000 for three months, and mostly without allowing us enter in Peru and Bolivia.

Many people offered to lend their vehicles, but always some troubles occured, regarding the vehicle or the money required.

All donations that you have offered us to achieve this Path have served to cover everything that came along this great journey of 2012, the Way of Everyone. However, once we arrived in Argentina we did not have the same income and we had to make quick decisions.
Among successes and confusions, two days before preparing everything to go to Patagonia, it was my uncle Gustavo with my aunt Gaby, of whom I less expected that reaction, who gave us a solution: 

My uncle said, "Take my car ". 

The process of detachment is perhaps the greatest that he has ever had.

In just two days we had to prepare the car (petrol and gas, making it much cheaper), adapt it to such a trip, obtain our driving licenses, among many other things to organize such as blogs, websites, equipment....In just four days we have grown a lot and we have faced again the abyss in which the Plan puts us to test our resistance.

And so begins this Way.

The people along this route have offered their homes, their dishes and even their cars, their internet connections and their spaces, so we can move and make this path with the lowest possible costs, in order to reach Tandil on December 12.

On this trip, we thought of carrying books and other things to generate a physical exchange that allows us to move forward, so we intend to receive donations, giving something back and leaving in the way something ours.
Thus, we start the First Step of the Way of the Great Woman, heading today, September 19, to El Bolson, a journey of about 1,700 kilometers, crossing Pampa (prairies) and Desert, to meet the point where borns the Kundalini of this great body where many of us inhabit.

Every part of our tour aims to plant a conscience and frequency over the territory in question, connecting energies, preparing our land for new times to come and the following projects, when humans take back our true power over this world: 

to bring Light through Harmony and Consciousness. Ater Tumti: preparing the field for planting Heaven on Earth ...

We invite you to follow this path and to keep the connection with each point of it, every day!

Thanks to the thousands of people who made this Way possible, and will continue to do so in the next 3 months!


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