Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Episode VII: The Conception


Mother's Will

After entering in the transmutation of the history's pains and frustrations that penetrate the Mother's vertebrae by the Rivers Region, with the social node in Valdivia, we went northward taking this Sacral frequency through the spinal cord, which could be the famous Route 5 that connects all Chile from Quellón in Chiloe upto Arica, until the Sacro middle area, in Biobío, where lies the social node named Concepción( Conception).

Here, after the irradiation of transformation of Valdivia, we began the expansion of the Will of the Great Woman.

Without thinking about it before, Concepcion is the vertebra that feeds the womb of the Great Woman, ie within the same parallel as Vela and Tandil, in the province of Buenos Aires.

This relationship, and taking into account that the nervous frequencies that feed the body move through the back, the fact that, at the same height there is a city, (the second largest in Chile) called Concepcion, talks exactly the descent of the spirit that feeds the uterus for the gestation.

Here we had to put the will to Announce the Conception of our New Earth.

The Labor

About 400 people joined us in the Plaza Ecuador, under a square with waterfalls that filled the air of a soft sounds.

The talk, which lasted over an hour and a half, added some people who passed by. Many people didn't knew anything and others had long ago recognized the Way, but the important thing was that all have resonated with their land, with the message of what it means and the will to begin to fulfill with her a portion of this great plan, of which we are all part.

In front of the waterfalls, we formed a large circle with a lot of sounds and movements, between 4 oaks, trees of Force and Will, pushing all the energy of the Conception to the Spirit, at Titicaca lake, and into the Uterus, in Tandilia.

The Conception of the Spirit and the New Being in gestation.

After doing our work, the loud sounds we generated with the musical instruments and our voices finally created a smooth harmonic climate, which was expanding in spiral up and down.In the sky the clouds formed a sort of DNA strand, as the Antarion network from which we were talking, and from there, a beautiful frequency began to decline, an energy that I haven´t felt in a long time.
Its energy surrounded us and said some words to the environment, to all of us, that I tried to decode and transmit.

Not to create conditionings, I did not describe that female being, but she said it was necessary to let know she was there and that she was telling us something. That is why I transmitted some of the words she said, which, more calmly and extensively, I can leave here printed in this text:

In a pink and blue essence, from that symbol in the clouds, between light and halos, descended upon all of us and said:

"I am hearing you, I feel you now vibrating in my body. Your being envolves and fills mine. You are seeds inside my womb, completing the light that I form. I am the Mother of the Earth and the Mother of Heavens and you, in the middle of my body, are my children and brothers. Now I can feel you dancing and singing in my belly ... and I'm happy about it.
Long ago a Great Angel descended to Announce my Conception and called me  Mother. Today I am Happy that is no longer an angel, but hundreds of angels on Earth who are announcing, from my belly, the Conception of the New Humanity.
You are the New Conception. "

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