Ursa Minor
For thousands of years, humanity, sailors, ancient civilizations, were guided by a star that resembled fixed in the firmament. This star was Polaris, the North Pole Star, the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor. This constellation was mother, guide and protector of travelers, migrant cultures, was axis of Humanity. The fact that during the past millennia, the planetary energy, electromagnetism, is concentrated on what we call the North Pole, made the stars and cultures of this hemisphere stronger and important.
Today, the energy of the world is changing, and electromagnetism is heading to the southern hemisphere, to Antarctica. This implies that the energy of the stars and civilizations are reawakening, having greater importance in the South.
An example of this are the Sun Discs that were placed in the South American territory. These records come from other planetary systems, and were intended to activate the energy chain between the north and south of the planet, along the Cordilleras of the Rockies and the Andes, upto the Antarctic. Its frequency allows the sun's energies directly enter the earth, and are harmonized with its times and needs. They are there to help humanity to reconnect with the purpose.
What is striking is that, taking as a reference the Galapagos Islands, the focus where a golden spiral of energy is generated wich supplies the Southern Andes, each point we passed with Harwitum and the locations were some of the Towei Lumbar copper keys were delivered, also have an ancient Sun Disc, hidden and unable to be seen by anyone. These are: one in southern Ecuador, another in Paititi, Peru, another in Lake Titicaca, one on the hill Roncador in Brazil, another in Salto, Uruguay, one in La Rioja, Argentina, and one in Licancabur, Chile.
The position of these disks resemble, over our South American continent, to the same constellation of Ursa Major.
At each Sun Disc was offered a copper key, with the intent and awareness that all together place on our trip: to open the regional portal in sync with the others.
The Mountain of the Town
In the month of August, visiting the sacred spots in the southern hemisphere in South America, I had to go through some strategic nexuses of which, one of them, was the Licancabur volcano, in Chilean territory. This is one of the points that connect the body of the Ursa Minor, and its work was to open the Soul Gates of our Continent.
This volcano that rises nearly 6,000 meters above sea level, on the border between the II Region of Chile and southern Bolivia, keeps the unique contemporary history recorded over the Sun Disk that is activated therein. Underfoot, extends the small tourist town of San Pedro de Atacama. From this place are made the visits on both sides of the border.
At its feet, on the other side of the border, was where together, through the Net, we delivered the Towei Lumbar Key, which was thrown to the Laguna Verde, just below the volcano.
San Pedro attracts people from all over Chile and worldwide, who come mainly in search of adventure in the desert, but also in search of its soul, its spirit and to reconnect with the Earth.
Many of these people welcomed us with all the dedication at the town's Central Square, offering their words, their art and their time to allow the message to be distributed publicly in the hearing of all the presents, both natives and tourists, so this land of Chile can recognize which is its task and importance.
Licancabur means: Mountain of the Village/People (Pueblo means both "little town" and "people"). The elderly, just that day, October 7, had gone, as they always do, to pray and make offerings to the mountain, volcano, asking for water for these next few months.
This mountain is the axis of the natives of the region, who they ask for containment and support in the process of everyday. That volcano is aligned with the central region of the province of Jujuy, Humahuaca, site where is located the mouth of the territory corresponding to the Great Woman.
Licancabur is the focus of energy by which, the Voice of the Great Mother is activated, ie, is the Soul of our Great Body.
The message in those lands was, therefore, to remind its people that, geographically, Salta and Jujuy were the Throat, Voice, Jaw and Mouth of the Great Woman, and that this sacred volcano represented the point where the Soul frequency will enter. That is the reason why, before our passage with the Kundalini that we raised together since September 21, we delivered the key that would open the Soul Doors.
Now, the labor is for those who inhabit that territory: they were the ones who, after the support´s activation in Antofagasta, should keep active the Soul's Portal towards the inside of the Body, activating the Voice strength.
There, at the foot of the volcano, the ALMA project (Atacama Large Millimeter Array), an International Astronomical project, expected to be functional in 2013, is nothing but a strong indication that there is where, we people, should be focused.
Our songs, our intention and our love to hold the light of these lands, would allow to keep a constant flow of vitality, that gives strength to the words of the Truth of our Mother Earth.
The Alma entered through the open doors, and throat of Salta was preparing to irradiate the singing of Freedom.
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