The Copper Town
Within the II Region of Chile, the Antofagasta city is the largest and most important. This city, located about 10 km kilometers of the Tropic of Capricorn, concentrates one of the largest mining regions in the history of Chile and the Andean region.
Precisely its name, Antofagasta, means Town or Copper Refuge, due to the large amount of ore mined in these lands.
Copper is the mineral that connects us to the earth, the mineral of femininity, a natural conductor of light and information, that spans through the Andes allowing the flow of the world vital energy in the world towards Antarctica.
In turn, this region, bordering the provinces of Salta and Jujuy, is lined as the vertebrae that holds the throat, the settlement of the nape, where our Mother's neck begins. Antofagasta is where the copper's information supports and feeds the voice, and that's what we all went to do: its activation.
The Labor
After going through one of the driest deserts in the world, the huge Atacama, where not a single cactus could be seen for miles around, this land showed us how, increasingly, we approached the region of our inner and higher self . The fire of Kundalini came now to the Being's lands, where it wakes up in the Mission and Communicates it, to be aware of it.
Antofagasta should hold the voice, and that meant taking over the void that its economy has created on the earth.
The constant mining removes some of the ducts that feed the voice of the Mother, and thus, it is time for the people to fulfill the role of energy conduits, till the time that the economy and the extraction may change.
This city, and also Calama, San Pedro and others fron the Region II, must be aware of the role they have as social nodes, strengthening the support of voice that projects in Salta, Argentina.
There we met at the Plaza Colon in Antofagasta, foundational historical center of the city, where around the clocktower, between 4 oval fountains, we gave the talk and began our voice's activation. Together we sent the consciousness through loud sound toward the rocks, to the octagonal center of the square, there to be recorded and expanded in matter the intent of the voice support.
This vertebra must stand up, it is from here where the head begins to get firm, staring straight ahead, and where we took the strength to say all that we could not scream from long ago. From here, we strengthen the chakra to irradiate the intention of our Voice shared in Argentine lands.
Violins, didgeridoos, guitars,singing bowls, flutes, bells and all the voices sounded while, at the sunset, gulls, pigeons, vultures and desert hawks were flying in circles over the square.
The desert region, through its firmness, provides the best indoor for our Soul to our inside ... the eyes and the voice are the best expressions of the same, and therefore, carrying the frequency of Antofagasta, we attract the energy of awakening to the Soul portal, on the border between Chile, Bolivia and Argentina, where stands up the volcano Licancabur, putting the intention that this frequency should arrive to the Great Activation, on November 3, in Salta city.
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