The City of Dreams
Ique Ique or Iquique, is a peaceful city that is enclosed between the giant Pacific Ocean and the huge Atacama Desert, at sea level: gives the impression of being trapped by towering wall of mountains, cliffs of sand, dunes and dry rocks that fall headlong into the sea.
The name of this city means, in Aymara language, "Dream" or "Resting Place", and, precisely, this city seems to be so.
People live in a relaxed manner, in a sort of parallel world, hidden between sea and desert, like a little eye barely open.
Iquique shares the region that represents the nape, the part that holds and accommodates the Vision. The Eyes of our Mother Earth are among Potosi and Oruro, in the Bolivian territory, and their Strength, their Firmness depart from the territories of the First Region of Chile.
The Responsibility
Before the Pacific War, the territory of Tarapaca and Tarinacota, or I Region of Chile, belonged to the Aymaras, to Bolivia, which meant that the Bolivian nation was the one that had the strength of the Soul income, of supporting the vision, of purging the consciousness. However, since that time when Chile took away this territory looking limit with Peru, Bolivia ceased to be connected with the ocean, and therefore ceased to have that input of the sea energy, the one that feeds the Mother's Head.
The disputes over this territory imply a hole in the energy that binds them.
Today, that responsibility lies with Chile. Today is Chile who must allow the Soul entry, who should strengthen the vision of Bolivia and feed its Consciousness' support. The work must be a teamwork.
It is important to recognize that, for the energy can flow, all countries should have their input and output stream to the sea.
The spirit of nations flows if the waves can caress their national and cultural consciousness, however minimal it may be. Bolivia and Paraguay are the only South American countries without an ocean exit, and therefore, the two countries can not yet elevate and activate what they really represent and are for our continent.
The task of Iquique
After we encountered Tamara, Viviana and Georgina, who coordinated and assisted in organizing the talk, we were ready to go to our meeting in the Plaza of the Americas, on Arturo Prat Avenue.
The Square, aligned with the beach, has the flags of 21 Latin American countries, which would be directly affected by the Great Woman eyes opening.
It was the time to deposit there the frequency that would sustain and reaffirm the vision of the Pacha Mama. Using our voice and musical instruments, together, in a circle, we gave the intention for the Great Mother to wake up from her sleep and raise her head, facing forward, allowing her Vision's vibration reach all these lands that comprise her, and to the whole world.
Taking the flags as axis, from the sea, the energy was moving up towards the 21 colorful fabrics that waved towards the cordillera, to the brain and eyes of the Mother, in Uyuni. The frequency of the singing bowls was anchoring in each of our eyes, in our Third Eye, with the intention that each one of the participants will take to every sector of our land, this conciousness of the New Vision, from its arid lands.
Iquique was lifting its dreamy Eyes to awaken the Great Mother.
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