Nahuel Huapi
Vuri Lof Che and the Serpent of Light
In language Mapudungun (Mapuche), was referred to the region south of Lake Nahuel Huapi (meaning: Tiger Island), as the area where used to live the people who was in the back of the land. Taking as reference the Cordillera, those who were behind were the Vuri Lof Che.
Precisely, the Back begins in this region where the Cordilleras rise to the north, and this crystalline water with crescent shape delimits the start of something different towards the Andes.
Today the city is known as Bariloche, place of our second meeting on this Path.
The task to be performed there, after the talk that took place in the square in front of the city's Cathedral, was, as always, through the sound circles. We should expand horizontally across the cordillera the Antarion net that, in conscience, we made arouse from the depths of Lake Puelo in Chubut.
This net, DNA-shaped, was driven from both sides (the Argentine and the Chilean)of the region of Los Lagos (The Lakes), giving the intention of two light serpents beginning to flow, one from the south of Nahuel Huapi, and the other, which we will boost two days later from the Bay of Puerto Montt.
So together we gave the impetus for starting this frequency which must be maintained throughout our journey, and so connect all nodes with that co-creation light that represents the Nahuel.
The City of the Caesars
As soon finished our purpose in the province of Río Negro (Black River), we went bordering the province of Neuquén towards Villa La Angostura.
This small town was the most affected by the eruption of the volcano Puyehue, when the whole region remained for three months affected by volcanic ashes, which gave more than twice tours around the world.
The beauty of this place is also known for having the only Arrayanes Forest of the world, a rarity. That forest was something that always attracted me, but I could never go despite being two or three times already in the region.
12 hectares filled with huge Arrayanes that, after more than 600 years, have been creating a forest location, to the point of becoming itself in trees when they are actually bushes. Nobody knows what has made this forest appear and, specifically, in the few hectares of the isthmus tip inside the Arrayanes National Park.
That same day, by several sites, reaches our ears the history of the City of the Caesars.
A historian, a few hours before taking the catamaran to the tip of the isthmus, tells us that over 200 years ago, a legend had lasted around Lake Nahuel Huapi, in which the aborigines had told about a legendary city of gold and silver reflected in the water, and in which, if one decided to stay and live, could obtained eternal life.
This story came to the ears of the Captaincy of Chile in 1800 because of some shipwrecked, lost by the mountains, reported seeing the same city, inhabited by white people, but not Europeans.
This led to the Jesuits, and, among them, the more convinced one of surname Mascardi, to look for it all his life.
Until 1900 there were searches of this sacred city, which had ample evidence of its existence, but was never found where it was.
El Dorado of Patagonia attracted people from many places, including expeditions of various kingdoms, but perhaps they never found it because their intention was simply to find the gold that was so much-talked.
Upon hearing this story I immediately remembered our trip by the thick forests of the North Island of New Zealand, a few miles from Lake Taupo. There, the walls of a city of more than 12,000 years lay between the earth and the hills, wrapped by the roots of huge trees, without anybody ever noticed its existence.
This made me realize that the Arrayanes were hiding something.
After so many centuries or millennia, eruptions and earthquakes that hit the region could have covered the temples of that city at the tip of the lake, leaving feets under the ruins of the town, which, by its energy and vitality in the stories told, would have given the small arrayanes, the energy necessary to become huge trees, covering a huge territory in which only they dominate.
According to a Bible verse that speaks the prophet Elijah, one of his messages was: "Earthly Paradise exists where the Cypress coexists with the Arrayán"
The National Park is the only place where so many arrayanes live, toghether and hugging with the cypresses.
This ancient city has been, therefore, a light spot, the Lighthouse of Neuquén, Patagonia.
Many have sought it, as its soil and its people from that time are who give the impetus to Regeneration, the Creation, is the site from which everything can start again.
This story just told us what we were establishing there: something big was beginning, and perhaps, the City of the Caesars could re-emerge and radiate from the roots of the huge Arrayanes ...
The Water Ladies and the two Dragons
In Bariloche, a lady comes to me after the activation, and hands me a paper. There was a message that she had channeled, but she did not understand. She gave it to me, hoping I could clarify something about it sometime.
The message read:
"21 Gojas rejoice because finally justice is done
after 300,000 years "
I did not understand at the time, until talking to Laura, in Villa la Angostura, everything began to unravel.
We look for the word "Gojas" on the Internet, and this means: Water fairies or nymphs, in Catalan.
Les Goges appear at certain times, and they are related to lakes and mountains, complicated beings, also like the Mermaids; but above all things, they live in cities that glitter of gold and silver, as the city of the Caesars . When we read the descriptions, Laura was surprised, since she confessed to having seen three strange mermaids in the lake during the activation of the Cathedral, like carrying that DNA energy towards the mountains, entering into the lake.
Then Nestor, Eimi's father, calls us to tell a story that had come from the province of Salta, in which, precisely in those days, some elderly native women had channeled a message:
"Both Land and Water Dragons have descended, after 75,000 years, again to the Andes. This message should be delivered to the Walkers, so they should renew the time, because the pact made eons ago had not been complied and should be rearranged "
The amazing thing about it is that four periods of 75,000 years give us around the 300 thousand told by the Gojas ...
Upon hearing this, from some ladies who did not know us, I remembered the clock that Adriano, from El Bolsón, has made for me as a gift, carving wood: a large clock with the Towei Lumbar in the center, surrounded by two dragons ...
The dragons or serpents of water and earth, the ones that emerge one of each side from Lake Nahuel Huapi and the waters of Chiloé, surround the Mother frequency, driven by these water and earth Gojas.
There are much more details surrounding this story, but I might get lost around the bush ... I just want to share with you these synchronicities, so that you can complement them and we can end together to close these causalities,
where are they leading us to?
In summary, the two dragons or snakes emerge from the lake where that legendary city was founded as one of the places where everything could resurface, from where the mermaids frequency that carries that energy through lakes and mountains, interlacing the Antarian DNA patterns, in order to heal the Identity of the Great Woman, kicking off our lands' realization.
And from there, we also departed ... having activated toghether with the people and the trees, one of those dragons of time, and now, giving the intention to activate the second, in the lands of southern Chile.
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