The Transformation of the Sacrum
Small acts move little facts that engender great movements.
Two days after our visit to the heliport of Valdivia, where we activated the Transmutation fires for Chile's Sacral chakra, in the news we heard that, in the heart of the city, a big fire burned some shops and a Bank, among some other things around, which is why, after decades unused, the emergency services had to use again the Heliport that we activated to load water to extinguish the fire of Valdivia.
A symbol that has shown us that our message on Earth affects many aspects, which clarifies that our actions really move the Universe.
The Mother's Will
Talca is a social node of consciousness that connects all parts of the region of Maule.
This region is the last point of the sacral chakra, ie, the Adrenals, where we activated the Being's Will, the strength of Co-creation. Here, we healed the last traces of the energy from the south, to send the greatest strength of our consciousness with the intention of activating the Plexus, the Mother's Being.
It was amazing to see that, so far, Talca has been the city where the media were more active, with articles in the newspapers, with television cameras filming the meeting and interviewing us, and also using an infrastructure to give the talk.
An hour before our meeting, in the same Plaza de Armas, a meeting of the University of Talca was on going, with music and modern dances. Paloma, who was in charge of organizing everything in this city, spoke with the manager of the sound and the stage, to see if we could use them in the next hour. The manager was happy to do it because, to our surprise, he has been following for the last 2 years the Ater Tumti and Harwitum.
So there, on a small stage, with a powerful sound, I talked about The Great Woman, about the Universe and about the Changes. From this place, the people coming down from the buses, at the City Hall, at the Central Post Office, the children that were going out their school, the people that were passing by walking, everyone was listening what the Maule means for South America.
It was remarkable the number of young people who have witnessed the talks and activations along Chile; it was notable that the Universities' movement was not in motion only to protest, but by the youth's great awakening and concern.
The Labor
After the explanation about the territory, we all headed to the edge of the Rio Claro, to perform the activation, ie to send our message to the Earth and the waters that the message of the Will has already reached us. As some being told us there, while we were by the river singing and dancing, putting our intention on the earth, towards the small and young tree that we took as the activation axis:
"Now is the time when the force that moves the earth must be taken by those who live above it. From now on it is your work to bring the message of the Will and spread its force by the surface towards the Earth being ... "
It was amazing to see and feel, without anyone coordinating anything, how the same hundred or a hundred and fifty people present were moving in sync with the Earth, all together in calm, and then strong, as a natural coordination with the Mother's pulse.
The Dragon and the Seven Water Jars
Leaving Talca that evening, we went to one of the sources of the Rio Claro, in the Natural Park Siete Tazas (Seven cups).
This place in the region of Maule is a magical place that represents the natural magnetic point that recreates the flow of the Sacrum in Nature.
Interestingly, the history of this place, which involves a mystery on the year 2010, in which, after the earthquake in Chile, these famous cups were dried.
No one knew where the water went, as it did not emerge anywhere. But days later, magically, again were filled and the water began to run again.
Maybe that was a clear signal about what symbolism the earthquake and its changes and purposes were modifying in this country's will, in a strange renewal of its concepts and its realization as a being composed by their people and lands.
At dusk, we climbed the slopes of land upto the park, to the point where the same car said: I do not move forward ...
We left the Harwimovil on a slope, and we continued on foot.
Something told us we had to get to the cups, luckily, we were only one km from the entrance.
We arrived at 19 pm, two hours after they closed the entrance to the public. This allowed us to enter calmly, without hurry or people interrupting us.
That place allowed us to connect with a very strong Mother essence. While Nidia was singing, as an expression of that connection, in front of the seven cups, I stood in front of some rocks that communicated a new information which I should work on in the coming year.
The striking thing was that one of the images that I've been showed, was that of a water dragon emerging from the Earth.
That was the same that those women had channeled in Salta: the dragon that descended after 75,000 years and whom the 7 water pitchers must be given on these days.
The sun left us, and the full moon lit up the sky.
The 7 Cups were a source of information for the co-creation of our future on Earth.
Like a tale: the seven jugs of water that are offered to the dragon of Earth were the seven informations or codes that would prepare us, internally and consciously, for the next steps of Social Humanity.
Possibly from here we were receiving the foundations for the next step to be realized in 2013.
This way we left the Maule, on our way to chile's Natural Plexus: the Cajón de Maipo (Maipo Canyon).
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