Ari, Qipay: at the Lion of the South
"Justice is not in the laws but in the firmness with which we
look our way ..."
Arequipa is the second largest city in Peru, and is located at
the foot of the Misti volcano,
a giant snowy mountain who guards this social
node. Previously, the city was a settlement
within the Inca Trail, connecting
the Cusco, the capital city, with the lands of Atacama.
There are several
versions of how its name appears, but
within the first ones, refers to a story
of those who decided to stay there for the beauty
of the place, to which Mayta
Capac, the Inca, answered yes, saying in Quechua:
"Ari, Qipay" meaning "Yes,
stay ..."
After many centuries of history, with the colonization,
Arequipa became a major focus,
faithful and firm to the Spanish Crown, land of kings and honors, from which emerged
the impulse of Freedom and Justice of the Peruvian people.
faithful and firm to the Spanish Crown, land of kings and honors, from which emerged
the impulse of Freedom and Justice of the Peruvian people.
So, this city even reached the honors of a capital city when,
in the mid-nineteenth century,
an uprising claiming Law and Order emerged, something that mobilized all the people
and each of the major cities of Upper Peru. This is why, until today, this city is known
as the Lion of the South, who, with its roar, reaffirmed the country's peoples
and, with the same, still remains the headquarters of the National Justice.
In the same way, Arequipa represents to us a estadia that, firmly, activates the Justice
with which we look forward, to the awakening.
Coming out of Arica, after the flowering of the Kundalini, after sowing the seeds to allow
their irradiation in the coming times, it was necessary to deposit this awareness in this
great city, which would reaffirm the skull. Arequipa is in the rear of the Great Woman's
skull , where the firmness that allows us to look forward is supported. From there, we
would put the seed to hold the vision, to look with clarity, with strength, with justice,
activating the Lion of our lands, allowing it to look beyond, to new horizon.
an uprising claiming Law and Order emerged, something that mobilized all the people
and each of the major cities of Upper Peru. This is why, until today, this city is known
as the Lion of the South, who, with its roar, reaffirmed the country's peoples
and, with the same, still remains the headquarters of the National Justice.
In the same way, Arequipa represents to us a estadia that, firmly, activates the Justice
with which we look forward, to the awakening.
Coming out of Arica, after the flowering of the Kundalini, after sowing the seeds to allow
their irradiation in the coming times, it was necessary to deposit this awareness in this
great city, which would reaffirm the skull. Arequipa is in the rear of the Great Woman's
skull , where the firmness that allows us to look forward is supported. From there, we
would put the seed to hold the vision, to look with clarity, with strength, with justice,
activating the Lion of our lands, allowing it to look beyond, to new horizon.
Start with this strengthening on a day like October 12 (
Spanishness Day for Spain,
Columbus Day for many), a day of Mourning and Grief for many people, perhaps had
a specific strength, for sending the frequency to the strength of these lands, sending a
message of healing and support to finally raise the head at last, after years of pain and
conquest, beyond colonization, but with an internal conquest, of introspection, of
suffering, that the peoples themselves have generated. Thus, this unconscious, should
wake up and re-strengthened.
Columbus Day for many), a day of Mourning and Grief for many people, perhaps had
a specific strength, for sending the frequency to the strength of these lands, sending a
message of healing and support to finally raise the head at last, after years of pain and
conquest, beyond colonization, but with an internal conquest, of introspection, of
suffering, that the peoples themselves have generated. Thus, this unconscious, should
wake up and re-strengthened.
The way to achieve this was by making the desert lands, those
lands from the rest of the
body that have been forgotten and we began to call the Unconscious, wake up
toward the Subconscious, allowing the necessary information descend into the Conscious.
body that have been forgotten and we began to call the Unconscious, wake up
toward the Subconscious, allowing the necessary information descend into the Conscious.
The Unconscious
Many thousands of years ago, along Subconscious desert in
Peru, humans and the
governments of the Galactic Confederation, drawn together the star maps by which
the information descends to these lands, feeding the Andes from the Velatropa, the Galaxy
centre. These lines extend from the region of Nazca and Ica, to the Pachacamac, a
few kilometers from Lima. The famous Nazca lines, allowed the "dreams", the information
of the galaxy, descend to our world through the stars.
governments of the Galactic Confederation, drawn together the star maps by which
the information descends to these lands, feeding the Andes from the Velatropa, the Galaxy
centre. These lines extend from the region of Nazca and Ica, to the Pachacamac, a
few kilometers from Lima. The famous Nazca lines, allowed the "dreams", the information
of the galaxy, descend to our world through the stars.
Over time, this was lost, and Peru was no longer the
Subconscius portal to become the
The disconnect our land suffered in recent times, in the last 400 years, made the Spirit,
Peru, become closed, and therefore, all our South America became unconscious regarding
the processes and the connection with the Earth. The Subconscious helps us connect
with dreams, with memories, with the hidden part, in order to reconnect the channel
through which the information of the stars will descend again. So we had to go to social
node representing the Subconscious in the desert: Lima.
The disconnect our land suffered in recent times, in the last 400 years, made the Spirit,
Peru, become closed, and therefore, all our South America became unconscious regarding
the processes and the connection with the Earth. The Subconscious helps us connect
with dreams, with memories, with the hidden part, in order to reconnect the channel
through which the information of the stars will descend again. So we had to go to social
node representing the Subconscious in the desert: Lima.
The Portal of the Subconscious
Previously, the old city of Pachacamac used to be the social
center through which the
Subconscious descended towards the whole desert, where a feminine energy emerged
from the rocks that stand in the Pacific ocean as the Sea Mother, who offered to
humans the divine information. Thence to Paracas, Ica and Nazca, were created passages
of that consciousness.
Subconscious descended towards the whole desert, where a feminine energy emerged
from the rocks that stand in the Pacific ocean as the Sea Mother, who offered to
humans the divine information. Thence to Paracas, Ica and Nazca, were created passages
of that consciousness.
Noting this, while we were travelling through the Atacama Desert in Chile, we came to
mind: What if we dared to go to Lima?
Lima is the capital city where the power of the colony of Upper Peru was focused,
and now was the center of social consciousness, so, if we were searching the
connection with the spirit´s information, we should carry the message from the
Subconscious to the Peruvian capital city.
This meant adding to our journey over 1,600 additional kilometres, but the four of us
agreed, and began reporting to the people of Lima.
Precisely the gathering, between Lima mists, was held in the Parque Maria Reiche, on the
coast of Miraflores. Maria Reiche was the discoverer and spreader of the Nazca lines,
and thus the entire park had the figures of the stellar lines.
There, a lot of people joined us, almost 400 people, with only one week of diffusion by
Facebook, with whom we share a nice chat and a beautiful and powerful activation.
We must thank the three girls who coordinated the meeting.
Music, movement and power generated there from sunset, between the clouds, was
expansive, and with all the force generated the frequency was evident in the harmonious
songs and sounds created, to deposit all between sea and land.
Our conscience was calling the dream to return, calling the
Subconscious to connect and
allow its ideas, memories and guides to descend, along the desert. The Subconscious
was being advised, that we were all integrating it at the Pacha Mama.
allow its ideas, memories and guides to descend, along the desert. The Subconscious
was being advised, that we were all integrating it at the Pacha Mama.
Our trip is very little ceremonial ... the 4 walkers of this long journey we are more like
messengers and pillars than shamans or wise activators, however, we feel all the way
that, at each activation we do, we are joined by the consciousness of thousands of people
who follow us from the world, and that our bodies, impregnated with them, radiate on
our joy on this trip, all the frequency they send to us. This enables us, from time to time,
feel an aura of energy surrounding us and extends behind our car and bodies, as a
kind of meteorite, which removes the vibration around us.
Today's question was: Why did we have to go to Lima through
Nazca, and then return to
Cusco in the same way? Being the only road we will repeat all the way ... And the
answer was obvious. As I said, from Nazca extend the stars marks, the paths where,
that subconscious information, descend through. It was necessary to go through there, take
the energy of the Unconscious Lines, activate all at Reiche Park of Lima along the 300
or 400 people present that act as the Subconscious portal, and then make that frequency
return to the Lines, reconnectin them, as new vias ... and that fire of conscience that
follows us, was the one that, somehow, expanded there when we passed by.
Cusco in the same way? Being the only road we will repeat all the way ... And the
answer was obvious. As I said, from Nazca extend the stars marks, the paths where,
that subconscious information, descend through. It was necessary to go through there, take
the energy of the Unconscious Lines, activate all at Reiche Park of Lima along the 300
or 400 people present that act as the Subconscious portal, and then make that frequency
return to the Lines, reconnectin them, as new vias ... and that fire of conscience that
follows us, was the one that, somehow, expanded there when we passed by.
Now we were able to go to the Spirit, and radiate its information from there, in Cusco.
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